Projects & Events

Permaculture For Youth workshop

The Ripple Effect - Calgary Current is sponsoring a "Permaculture for Youth" workshop on Sunday April 22, in honor of Earth Day.

Join us for this free, interactive, and inspiring session where you'll learn the basics about Permaculture design and roll up your sleeves for some hands-on projects!

This event is being cross-promoted with Youth Central's Youth Week 2012. More details here. 

What is Permaculture?
Permaculture is a sustainable design practice rooted in the patterns of nature.Stated simply, the practice of permaculture pulls the greatest possible value from the smallest possible expenditure of resources. Predicated on a deep, abiding respect for all forms of life, permaculture embraces care for the environment and care for people, while taking care to limit consumption and preserve valuable resources for future use.

Read more about Permaculture here.

Details about "Permaculture For Youth":

When: Sunday April 22, 2:00-4:00pm
Where: Calgary Public Library Central Branch (616 Macleod Trail SE - across from City Hall) - second floor!
Who: youth in Calgary (ages 14-22) - junior high, high school, and post-secondary students welcome!
Cost: FREE!
Registration not necessary - just show up and bring a friend!
Contact: get in touch with the coordinator if you have any further questions!



  • Ongoing -- developing peer-to-peer classroom presentations targeting Grades 4 and Junior High students. Request a presentation by contacting the Project Officer.
  • March 1 -4 -- participation in the Canadian International Model UN conference (CANIMUN) in Edmonton