The Ripple Effect - Calgary Current is an initiative under the United Nations Association in Canada (UNA-Canada) that raises awareness and fosters a generation of young leaders with the skills and knowledge to address water and sustainability issues in Canada and abroad.
The Calgary Current does community outreach and education projects, employing a peer-to-peer knowledge transfer model. We collaborate with other community groups and involve youth from all over the city. As an initiative under the United Nations Association in Canada (UNA-Canada) we take a human rights-based approach and connect our local actions to the current global issues surrounding water and sustainability.
The work of The Ripple Effect - Calgary Current is inspired by the following:
- The United Nations (UN) Water for Life 2005-2015: International Decade for Action
- The UN Millennium Development Goals, in particular Goal #7: Ensuring Environmental Sustainability
- The 2006 Human Development Report (HDR) "Beyond Scarcity: Power, Poverty, and the Global Water Crisis"
- The UN International Year of Sanitation (2008)
- UN Resolution 64/292, the human right to water and sanitation
About: UNA-Canada
The United Nations Association in Canada (UNA-Canada) is a national non-profit organization that promotes UN programs and activities within Canada. The Association offers individual Canadians a window into the work of the UN, and a channel through which to become engaged in the critical international issues affecting us all. Headquartered in Ottawa, UNA-Canada has branches and programs across Canada. Find out more here.